CS373 Spring — Blog Post# 5: Roman Kuhn
1. What did you do this past week?
This past week I spent most of my time working on class work and on my personal project. I also spent some time working on Leetcode and hanging out with my girlfriend.
2. What’s in your way?
Probably just excessive coursework from some of the courses I am forced to take. If I could just focus on what’s important, I could probably get a lot more done and have a lot more leisure time to dedicate to LeetCode practice and to personal projects and fun hobbies that I have.
3. What will you do next week?
This upcoming week I’ll probably study for my mythology test and work a decent amount on my SWE project. A lot of the people in my group have been pulling their weight so it’s important that I continue to pull mine as well. Next week I will probably have a cook-off or Shokugeki as they say, with my friend and I will have to make a delicious pasta dish.
4. What was your experience of iteration, AWS, and Chef Secure? (this question will vary, week to week)
Iteration in Python is what I expected but I guess that is just because I’m quite familiar with Python already. There wasn’t much to AWS that I learned so I don’t have enough information to form an opinion on it. Lastly, I quite liked Chef Secure, I have no interest/experience when it comes to security but I have mad respect when it comes to YouTubers.
5. What made you happy this week?
I went to go see my family at the end of the week and that made me very happy. I love going back to Houston, I always feel really complete when I’m with my family. They are proud of me and I love being home and just relaxing with my little brother it’s seriously the best.
6. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
Tip of the week is to stay connected with your family. Try to talk to at least one family member everyday over text or the phone. It will keep you sane in your toughest times and keep you extra happy during your best times.