CS373 — Roman Kuhn Apr 5th
1. What did you do this past week?
This past week I finished the Software Engineering project and got a little more situated in my girlfriend’s apartment. Mainly, I watercolored, watched some movies, worked on my research tool, did some leetcode and worked on another personal project of mine.
2. What’s in your way?
Honestly with quarantine in full effect, nothing is really in my way. And because nothing is in my way, I’ve been super productive and achieving all the goals I’ve set for myself. If I had to say there were some things in my way, I’d say the classes that I don’t really find useful or interesting are kind of in my way because doing their work feels like a chore that I get no benefit out of.
3. What will you do next week?
Next week I will continue to work on my software engineering project, and finish up my research tool. I will likely do more painting, work out some more, do more leetcode, and work on my personal projects some more. I will also try to finish the book I’m reading about investing.
4. What was your experience of Test #1b? (this question will vary, week to week)
I thought Test #1b was good. I was quite skeptical at first about these tests as I wasn’t quite sure what exactly we were going to be tested on but I felt like we were tested on actual class material so that made me happy. I got a 100 on both parts of the exam (not trying to flex or anything) but that also made me happy and think that they were fair.
5. What made you happy this week?
This week painting made me really happy. I’ve gotten much better at it and it’s really fun. I like to turn on a 4K nature video on the TV, play some ambient music (Brian Eno or Hiroshi Yoshimura), have a candle burning and some wine. It’s quite fancy and a great way to destress after working for a whole day.
6. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
I know everybody’s situation is different because of COVID-19 but if you end up trapped in your apartment with nobody around you then create a routine and schedule and stick to it! It will keep you sane and productive! Also wear masks and don’t go partying like all the UT students that went to Cabo!