CS 373 Spring 2020 — Roman Kuhn
What did you do this past week?
This past week I went to a party, went hiking with friends, studied a decent amount, worked some, read my books, started investing in stocks and did a few other things. I went to the gym nearly everyday and subsequently lost nearly 4 pounds which is quite sad considering I’m actually trying to put on some weight.
What’s in your way?
I think the main thing in my way is just finding the best way to be productive with my time and still be able to hang out with my girlfriend. It can be really challenging to get everything I want to get done as fast as I normally do alone when my girlfriend sometimes takes a while to get ready but that’s okay because I still love her.
What will you do next week?
Next week I’ll hopefully do some more Leetocde to prepare for interviews next fall. I’ll probably also do some more reading of my books. I’ll probably also try to optimize how much time I’m spending doing my readings. Lastly, I’ll most likely spend some time next week playing video games and working on my personal blog.
What was your experience of assertions, unit tests, coverage, and continuous integration?
I had no experience with assertions, unit tests, coverage and continuous integration this week except for the exposure provided by Dr. Downing in class. At my last few jobs I wrote very little amounts of assertions, unit tests, coverage and continuous integration.
What made you happy this week?
I think being out in nature really made me happy this week and having a good time at the party made me happy. I think I’m getting better at being productive with my girlfriend which makes me happy. Also doing stocks has proven to be very fun so I’m enjoying that. Lastly, I did an escape room with my aunt this weekend and that was crazy fun!
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
Tip of the week is to really understand where all your time is going. See where you’re spending your most time and that should clue you into how you can be more productive. Your time is important!