Blog for Mar 16 — Mar 29
Are you and your family safe and sound where you are?
My family is safe and sound. However, my girlfriend is immune compromised, so I am living with her and taking care of her in Austin. Her father is also at high risk being a senior citizen with a compromised immune system. It is very scary. I take care of her and her family. I have not been able to see my family because I worry I will infect my girlfriend and her family.
How do feel about your ability to finish the term completely online?
I feel confident about my ability to finish the term online but I still wish some of my professors lightened the workload given the fact that many of us will be either taking care of our families, having the extra responsibilities of helping around the house, along with the fact that it is more difficult to do a lot of this work in non-collaborative environments.
What made you happy this week?
This week I saw my girlfriend play animal crossing and that made her really happy. It’s a pretty awesome game. I also ordered another set of joy-cons so we can play MineCraft on the switch together so I’m pretty excited about that.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My tip of the week is to read more. I read every night and so I learn something new everyday! I also sleep better because I read before bed, and it brings me great joy!